MasterHacks-A Haven for MasterTools Hacks

Welcome to MasterHacks. 

The intention of the MasterHacks Sourceforge repository is to bring together disparate Master Tools-based hacks for use with the Master Tools utilities from Wizards of the Coast (at

Go to for access to the repository.

Additional information and announcements will appear .

One key point: while we may link to places that provide content, I want to avoid copyright considerations, and MasterHacks will contain no content itself, save perhaps that that exist in the SRD (see if it contains the appropriate disclaimers and licenses, or is affirmed to be original material available under copyleft or send to the public domain. I'm really intending this to be for tools and utilities associated with the Master Tools Suite. Primarily for windows, but I'm open to supporting any reasonable ideas.

If the project is major, it probably shouldn't go here, but should have it's own SourceForge repository. I'll gladly link to you, and feel free to link to us.


J. R. P. - MasterHacks Project Coordinator



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